2009年3月29日 星期日

A successful organization - Tsui Wah Restaurant

Have you gone to Tsui Wah Restaurant and had a meal there? What's your opinion of this restaurant which had thirty years history? For me, I think it's a successful and excellent restaurant in Hong Kong.
Nowadays, the catering trade is facing serious difficulties and lots of restaurants go bankrupt due to the financial crisis. However, Tsui Wah Restaurant still survives in the industry and makes sufficient profit. Do you know how it can be so popular and triumphant? Let me tell you the answer now.

Change is triggered by Performance System and Learning System.
To deal with dynamic changes of the external environment, it’s vital for Tsui Wah Restaurant to keep on learning in order to survive and retain its reputation.

Performance System:
Exchange subsystem – Adaption function
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant obtained and expelled the human and material resources, like which materials were more appropriate to perform the specific tasks. It helps to achieve the goals effectively.
Production subsystem - Goal attainment function
Tsui Wah Restaurant applied suitable skills and knowledge to do the best of the service, marketing, sales etc. For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant did lots of advertisements for promotion, like $1 for a Crispy Bun, in order to attract the customers to patronize. Also, as the Tsim Sha Tsui branch opened last year, Tsui Wah Restaurant used an interesting poster to promote.

Coordination subsystem – Integration function
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant provided some training programs to the new staffs in order to teach them more knowledge, like communication skills etc. It could enhance the work efficiency and improve the customer service.

Reinforcement subsystem - pattern maintenance function
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant provided rewards to the staffs who had not late to work for 15 minutes in a month. Also, meeting was held weekly in order to discuss the current improvements or problems. Thus, it could let the staffs and managers know about whether there were any insufficiencies of different aspects from the customers. It‘s essential to maintain the standards and make correct judgments of its performance.

Learning System:
Environmental interface: It relates to adapt, manipulate, scan and test the external environment and then select the inputs to the organization.
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant did several surveys regularly to understand the needs and current tastes of the customers. Recently, more and more people prefer to eat healthy vegetarian diet and nutritious salad. Thus, Tsui Wah Restaurant designed various vegetarian menu and different salads to satisfy the customers.
Furthermore, Tsui Wah Restaurant conducts many researches to illustrate the food and seasonings that are beneficial to the customers. The cook used sea salt as seasonings because it contains less sodium and it can maintain the body fluid in a balanced state. Also, Tsui Wah Restaurant used “pollution-free” eggs so as to guarantee the customers that the eggs were safe and harmless.

Action/ Reflection Subsystem: It’s related to research, critical thinking, evaluation, decision-making processes etc in order to facilitate the survival of the organization.
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant provided various types of food and drinks, like Asian style, Western styles, Japanese style, desserts, Chinese soup etc., so as to satisfy different tastes of the customers.

Dissemination and Diffusion Subsystem: It related to the implementation of organization roles, leadership processes, communications etc. in order to advance the movement of knowledge.
For example, the top managers of Tsui Wah Restaurant usually design some new menu personally. They taste the new food, like desserts etc., and make improvements, too. Moreover, they let the staffs to taste the new drinks and encourage them to give feedbacks.

Meaning and Memory Subsystem: It related to the making of policy and procedures, creation of symbols and artifacts that reflect the organizational values, basic assumptions etc.
For example, Tsui Wah Restaurant used its unique logo as the packaged bag so as to promote the image and give a good impression to the customers.
Besides, Tsui Wah Restaurant had designed four kinds of t-shirts that represented the characteristics of Tsui Wah Restaurant.